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The perfect place to find out about your *ahem* favourite web page designers

Here is where you will find a brief resume of all of us, including a decent photo, which there may not be anywhere else on this site.


Real Name: Spring See-Ping Gowling 
Nicknames: Springy, Springeth, Springle, Spraggus, Hey you piss off, Springamebobkinsalot.
Likes: Doughnuts, Cookies, Chocolate, Peking Duck, Food in general, TV, Jacuzzis, Lamborghinis, My friends, Steve Irwin, Jimmy Carr, Bill Bailey, Anime, Prince of Tennis, Amusement arcades, Getting unexpected mail, Showing up Mr Allnutt's choir, Life, Love.
Dislikes:Mrs Broadbent, Being hungry, Losing to Katie on Point Blank (a rare occurence anyway =P), Lack of money, Mr Derbyshire, Mrs Colombini, The majority of school, Exams, Coursework, Being single, Unrequited love, Life. 
Best Friends:Katie, Kat, Lauren, Andy, Robby, Stef, Alex, Barry. 
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Status: Unconcious
Fave T.V. Show: The O.C, Roswell, Top Gear 
Fave Film: Bridget Jones' Diary, LOTR, The Notebook, Battle Royale.
Fave Book: His Dark Materials by Phillip Pullman, Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan, Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman and The Miracle Strain by Michael Cordy
Fave Band: Straylight Run, Hidden in Plain View, The Academy Is..., Panic!at the Disco, Fallout Boy, Brand New, The Used, The Postal Service, Hellogoodbye, Zebrahead, Jack off Jill, Offspring, Boy'z, Five for Fighting, K's choice...
A sentence to sum them up: If it's hard to do, it's not worth doing.


Real Name: Harriet Ruth 
Nicknames: Haz, Halliet, Harrit, Sparrow
Likes: Purple, Christmas, Holidays, my freinds, Chemistry, English, Cars - especially the Porsche 911 GT3, Pasta, Croissants, sunny days, our choir, Orlando Bloom, Adam Brody, SSX3, alcohol filled parties
Dislikes: Exams, David Sneddon, Rain, Fearne Cotton, Meat, Cloning, dougnuts, Maderia cake, the way that women always get favoured over men in custody battles, Sarah Michelle Gellar
Best Friends:Andy, Kat, Katie, Lauren, Marc, Richard, Sarah, Vicki
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Status: Single
Fave T.V. Show: The OC, Coupling, Sex and the City, ER, Nip/Tuck, One Tree Hill, Enterprise, Little Britain, Desperate Housewives 
Fave Film: Lord of the Rings, Bridget Jones' Diary, American Beauty, Moulin Rouge, Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Matrix, Freaky Friday *shame*
Fave Book: Dead Famous - Ben Elton,  Rose Madder - Stephen King, The Miracle Strain - Micheal Cordy, Earth's Children Series - Jean M Auel, Harry Potter Books - J K Rowling *shame*
Fave Band: Rooney, McFly, Maroon 5, Keane, Cave In, Ash, Coldplay, Dashboard Confessional, Girls Aloud, Gwen Stefani, Britney, Kane, The Killers 
A sentence to sum them up: Good intentions, bad actions.


Real Name: Katherine Ann

Nicknames: Kat, KitKat, The Observer, Katalin, Fran, Spida, Katarina, Rebecca.

Likes: Star Trek, Ash, Tom Welling, The muppets, Branston Pickle and Mango Chutney, Quality Disney animated musicals, McVities Mini choc chip cookies, sarcasm, Boris Johnson, listening to other peoples conversations and observing people's behaviour in the common room.                                   

Dislikes: Running for the bus and consequently missing it, Rap and Hip Hop, Horror films such as The Eye especially if Harriet is sat next to me, people staring at me and peas.

Best Friends: Harriet, Katie, Spring, Vicki, Lauren, Marc, Andy, Richard, Ashley, Ben, Emily Wemily,

Sexual Orientation: South, South East                                                       

Status: not really popular enough to merit a special mention

Fave T.V. Show: Neighbours, you just sit back and let the australian magic wash over you. Buffy The Vampire Slayer purely for the witty one liners and Xander. Friends cos you know they'll always be there for you.                       

Fave film: The Muppets Take Manhattan                                           

Fave Book: Matilda by Roald Dahl,  Deathscent by Robin Jarvis and The Other Boleyn Girl by Phillippa Gregory, Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier             

Fave Band: Ash 

A sentence to sum them up: Always watch the quiet ones!


Real Name: Katie Rhiannon (eurgh)
Nicknames: Katie my matey, Swoosh, Sweety, Moses, Macho man, or Yoyo (by Harriet) I have more by I can't be arsed to say them
Likes: I am a techno geek, my life revolves around the Internet. Haha, no. Well. I like a lot of stuff.
Dislikes:  School and coursework, having no money for DDR, being itchy, spicy food, the fact that Buffy is finished. And English lessons, Miss Penry is a hell bitch. Eggs, exams, wrists (I have an unatural phobia of those) people who are better at DDR than me.
Best Friends: Spring, Harriet, Kat, Lauren, Vicki, Shiv, Purple, Drewe, Finoodles...there are more but why name and shame. Also Jamie, who will always be my favourite fag
Sexual Orientation: Straight diddely aight
Status: Divorced, my last husband left me with no money and no arms
Fave T.V. Show: Malcolm in the Middle <3
Fave Film: Erm, it was X Men 2 but then I realized how shit that film is. So I guess Cruel Intentions
Fave Book: Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blacman, WHY DID HE HAVE TO DIE? *breaks down*
Fave Band: Jack off Jill, Finger Eleven, Offspring and Bif Naked
A sentence to sum them up: Can I put my phillosophy here instead? Meh, doing it anyway, Spring did. Mine is 'If you leave it until tomorrow, maybe it will go away'  *grins*  Never works, but it's very comforting all the same
