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Here are some pictures of us all

All pictures containing more than one person are labelled in left to right order.

Harriet, Spring, and Harriets family in a restaurant in Corsica

Kat and Richard looking very dapper

Haz and Kat on the school sponsered walk last year, just above Goodrington sands.

Spring and Katie, who very foolishly decided to go to someone's house (after meeting him briefly only once before) in London, and then get completely pissed. Good times.

Alex, Spring and Harriet at River Dart Country Park

Lauren and Kat on Torquay seafront

Spring and Haz in our friend Kiwis Jacuzzi, and despite looking naked, they actually aren't!

Harriet, Andy and Katie. Katie doesn't like her picture being taken.

Vicki, Kat, Rich, Andy Marc and Lauren. I love this picture, beacuse no-one is looking the right way, but it captures the essence of the group nicely, look how happy everyone looks to be together *Insert awwww here* I guess I am just a master photographer - Haz

Spring and Katie, when they are quite drunk and dressed up.

The goddamned coolest hat in the world. It features a plastic crocodile, and is modelled by Spring. A recent addition to this superb collection of photos.

This is Haz, Shiv, Katie, Rosie, Sophie and Claire at Claires 18th Birthday Party. The theme was Christmas. Haz is supposed to be the fairy to go on the tree, Shiv and Katie are presents, Rosie is Mrs Claus, Sophie is a tree, and Claire is a magician. Yeah, we didn't get it either.

Here is Brother Baz and Brother Pete aka Mr Rowland and Mr Willett, doing Flemings left hand rule whilst looking extremely sexual on the last day of school.

Katie laughing while Haz tries to take a photo, badly.

A picture of Spring

Its Kat looking thrilled to be on Bondi Beach in the middle of the Australian winter


.....And Harriet

Harriet and Spring in a restuarnt in Corsica

Spring and Katie BEFORE they got drunk at a London party.

Spring, Charlotte and Harriet on the last night in Corisica, sorry for blurry nature

Haz, Kat, Shiv and Katie at the prom

Marc, Spring, Kat and Katie at Torquay Harbour

Haz, Lauren, Marc, Spring and Haz's sister Charlotte looking suspiciously like Crystal Tips from the retro kids TV show


This is officially the most comical picture I have ever seen - Haz

Ahh the days of yore. Harriet is the blonde angel on the chair, and Katie is the grumpy looking king, 2nd from the right

A picture I have affectionately named 'Kat and Psycho' aka Richard. Sorry for the bad quality, it's from my phone

Spring, Drunk Lauren, and Harriet with Uber sexy stetson at the first ever gin party

Dont even ask