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Pretty People Page

A page full of the MOST beautiful pictures on this site.

This page will have pictures of the people our group are really into at the moment, I can guarantee that this page will be constantly updated!

You have to be extremely pretty to be on this page, so if you see yourself on here, feel privelidged, but also shame, you are a celebrity, why the hell are you looking at crude and obscure websites?!? Anyways, signed tinned good would be appreiciated.

Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp - Group Choice

Well, what can I say. Orlando Bloom would look good in a paper bag, and it totally gorgeous in Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, hell anything. He was born in Canterbury, but you didn't really want to know that.

Johnny Depp is always rather aesthetically pleasing if I do say so myself, especially in Sleepy Hollow, and Pirates of the Caribbean, because as Katie says, who can resist a man in make up? ( We know the answer to this is lots of people, and that men in drag usually aren't attractive, but its nice to end an article with a rhetorical question.)

McFly - Group choice

McFly are just pure class. Everyone likes them cos they're like Busted - only happy. We feel that all of the guys are fit except for Tom, a blonde ugly Stuart lookalike. The others, Dougie, Danny and Harry are prime specimins, and sing very happy songs with competance.

David Beckham - Lauren's Choice

This is where Lauren is supposed to have put some informative and thought provoking information on David Beckham, but hasn't been bothered to do so yet. A message to all you out there from Lauren.

Dead Leg!

Joey Wheeler - Katie's choice

Yeah, OK, I'm bored, and there was a picture of Joey on my harddrive. I can think of plenty of people who are real that I could put here but that would require looking them up on Google and saving them and meh.

That's too much effort. *naps*

Richard Hammond - Spring's Choice

This is where Spring is supposed to have put some informative and thought provoking information on Richard Hammond, but hasn't been bothered to do so yet. A message to all you out there from Spring.

You take the high road, and I'll take the low road, and I'll be in Scotland before ye, for me and me true love will never meet again, on the bonny, boony banks of Loch Lomand.

Tom Welling - Katherine's Choice

You have to admit that Tom Welling is mighty fine. He's probably a big disappointment in real life so just marvel at the scarily beautiful picture. It is from the most beautiful man site so its set in stone.

Chad Micheal Murrey Mint - Harriet's Choice

I had recently discovered the wonder that is Chad Micheal Murrey. He has the wonderful ability of being able to make the worst films/TV shoes (Freaky Friday and Dawson's Creek for example) appear to be great by simply being in them, and detracting the audiences attention away from the crap nation of said presentation by being simply beautiful.

Enough said really. Watch Chad Micheal Murrey films.

As you can probably tell, Harriet did this page, and the others haven't bothered to update it yet. Well, you pay peanuts, you get monkeys.