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Hey, this is the page full of stuff that I love at the moment, no doubt this will change from week to week!

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Mcfly - pure unadulterated pop, and not ashamed of it

Haha, I can see you now, shaking your heads. I know Mcfly are thought to be crap, and poppish, and copying Busted, but have any of you who hate Mcfly with a passion ever heard any of their material? I should think not. Anyway, unlike most other pop bands, Mcfly write all their own songs and play their own instruments, whihc I think makes them a higher callibre than say Westloife. I also really like the way they all sing in a kind of harmony quartet, muchly like the Beach Boys. Not to mention the added bonus of three of the band members being extremely fit. In the picture to the left the members are Dougie, Tom, Danny and the lovely Harry. Tom lets the side down, and his voice is rather whiney and annoying, so we find it best to just ignore him.

Me, Katie, Kat and Lauren are going to se McFly in concert in October. No doubt we will be the oldest people there but meh, I'm sure it will be a muchly enjoyable event.

Hilary Duff

Okay, so this is even more sad than McFly right? hey, you know what, I dont care. In this life there is far too much to be unhappy and depressed about, and I find most good music just makes me depressed. Not so with the Duffster, happy music to sing to and not care who hears you. Makes me happy anyway. I recommend it for all you out there contemplating suicide. Anyway, yeah her music is poppy, but it doesn't claim to be anything else, and it is damn good pop.

Hilary Duff is also star of the highly acclaimed Lizzy McGuire. I think this show is great, funny, and Gordo is a complete sweetheart. OKay, this makes me the sadest person in the world. See me caring?

Earth's Children

These are a series of books by Jean M. Auel, starting with 'The Clan of the Cave Bear', that Spring persuaded me to start whilst on holiday with her. Unlike most books that Spring recommends, that turn out to be utter crap *coughs* Northern Lights *coughs*, these books are amazing. Basically, they follow the story of Ayla, this human girl, adopted by Neanderthals during the ice age, or as I have heard them described 'sex among the cave man thrillers'. Not that I would read it for the porn, Spring on the other hand......

Anyway, despite it being really confusing with all the similar one syllabul names, I would definitely recommend them. Especially the first one, the second isn't so brilliant. Me and Spring were thinking they should make a film of the books, but then decided that probably wouldn't work, as the Neanbderthals dont speak, they use hand gestures, so it would have to be subtitled. However, whilst getting a picture to put here, I found out that a film has already been made, staring Darryl Hannah, which is where my picture is from. I am guessing the people in it are Iza and Broud, but I wouldnt swear to it.

Crappy Teen Movies

Like Katie, I love these crappy movies. The Lizzie McGuire movie, Freaky Friday and Mean Girls are 3 prime example. They are so predictable, always have an 'ugly turned supermodel' main girl, a fit 'nice jock' guy and the 'nasty popular girls'. They are pure class. You are always guaranteed pretty people, fit guys and predictable comedy. Sure, they wont win Oscars, but they are great for making you feel happy, and then depressed when you realise such a thing will never happen to you, and you will always be the retarded unpopular kid.

Lets end on a happy note, yay for crappy movies.

Desperate Housewives

This show, recently started on Channel 4 is one of the best televisual treats I have ever seen. I have heard Desperate Housewifes described as a cross between Twin Peaks, Sex and the City and American Beauty, which I feel is very accurate. It is basically the story of 4 housewifes in the suburbs who are trying to discover why their friend Mary Alice killed herself when she had the perfect life.

They are all rich and beautiful, but all have problems. Susan (played by Lois Lane), whos husband left her, is in competeition with the neighbourhood whore for the new plumber, Mike. Lynette has the children from hell, and is forced to drug them. Gabriella is having an affair with her (o so pretty) 17 year old gardener. And Bree is such a control freak she has alienated everyone but the crazy Christmas loving son of her deceased pal.

Marc and Richard Daniels both think I am Bree-incarnate, cos I like things tiday, and yeah, I am a bit possessive, but yeah. Hmmm. I dont have ginger hair....




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